Sunday, August 15, 2010 '
6:55 PM Y
Im mad excited about tomorrow!
Finally it is the start of my YOG duties @ Hortpark!!
The first shift started today and i sure hope everything went well.
Now its going to be MY TURN!!
On top of my duties as a FACILITATOR, i have additional duties of being the BUS HOST / OIC!!
Bus Host = MEMORISE SCRIPT so that i dont end up with nothing to say in front of the athletes tomorrow.
Keep fingers crossed that the athletes dont end up asking me questions about Singapore that i cannot answer!!
Such an embarrassment that way.
Now im feeling nervous as well.
I sure hope i dont mess things up!
Friday, August 13, 2010 '
7:15 PM Y
Have i even mentioned how much im looking forward to it?
Its going to be such a blast, i just know it =)
xxx meishan
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 '
12:52 PM Y
Recently, i have been busy with training sessions for the upcoming YOG.
Training sessions have been tough but extremely fun and enriching.
I can hardly wait for the actual dates to arrive =)
I love to procrastinate.
But its no use trying to postpone thinking about school since the new semester is starting next week.
So I am now going to start my second year in University.
I anticipate that there will be too many things to do, but too little time for me to complete them once.
Year 2, Semester 1
I definitely want my grades to become better but with this, i know more hard work is needed from me.
Even though it seems like the students in Chem Engine are superbly smart and insanely hardworking, im not going to give up.
Who is afraid of more hard work?
Not me.
Ive been recently thinking about all the time that has gone by.
Have i made the correct choices along the way?
Should i have chosen this path instead of the other?
Would i have been better of if i decided to follow this direction instead of the other?
Does it even matter right now?
It matters to a certain point, but i will not let it affect the future.
My studies is what matters the most right now.
That, on top of taking care of my parents and watching over my sisters, will take first priority over everything else.
I will be successful in the coming years because i believe i can do it =)
xxx meishan